Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Need a little help

I need a little help figuring out how to pay for the rest of my Ph.D. since I have just about reached my aggregate limit for my student loans.  Unfortunately, I did not figure out how close I was to my limit until I registered for my next term.  Getting close to my aggregate limit means that I have a small amount I'm still able to take out in Unsubsidized Student Loans, but after that I have to find other funding.

I have looked into the following options at this point:

Right now, my only option seems to be a direct loan and I'm not excited about that option.  Frankly, I have been tinkering with the idea of stopping my Ph.D. all together.  It's a conversation that Hubby and I have had several times and I always come to the conclusion that I should persist.  However, now that I am not sure how I'm going to pay for the rest of my degree, I'm thinking a little more seriously about becoming a Ph.D drop out.  Especially after reading this article at The Chronicle of Higher Education. 

Having a Master's Degree has opened the door for my newest endeavors:  developing curriculum for a for-profit college and working for a university in Wisconsin.  At this point, I'm not sure if finishing the Ph.D is going to be worth the cost, especially if I take out another sort of loan.  Thankfully, if I continue my work with this particular University (which is considered a non profit) I will be eligible for student loan forgiveness.

So, what do I do?  Any creative ideas? 

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