Monday, January 21, 2013

Playing catch up

In my old blog, I would always do a year in review and then look back on what's different from year to year.  I didn't do one this year on January 1 and I've come to regret it, so I'm playing catch up.  Previous years can be viewed here.  Enjoy the wackiness.  Anyway. . .here is 2012 in a nutshell

  1. Hubby and I decided to have a baby.  
  2. Hubby and I found out I was pregnant!
  3. We lost two horses over the year, Meg and Bree.  This was a VERY sad time for our family.  Bonus baby #1 really loved Meg and really felt confident on her.  Meg will be a very difficult horse to replace and really schooled Hubby and I on what it's like to take care of an elderly horse (NOT easy).  Bree was Hubby's horse and she will also be dearly missed.  She was a horse who needed lots of TLC and was very slow to warm up to people or trust.  She was easily frightened and that made her a difficult horse to have at times.  Many tears were shed for Bree and Meg over the year and we weren't sure we'd continue having horses after we lost them.
  4. We welcomed Hoss into our pasture.  Hoss is big guy with lots of heart.  He is pretty much willing to try anything ONCE he has decided he trusts you.  He is hubby's horse and is fun to ride, but we are worried he has some soundness issues.  When he came to us, he sadly had never been seen by a farrier or a vet.  He had many trust issues with his hooves and has taken alot of work to allow for us to even handle them.  
  5. We lost our farrier and we're STILL looking for another  good one (so. . if you recommend anyone comment below).  Our farrier basically quit showing up for appointments, which was a huge hardship on us because Hoss needed to be tranquilized in order to have work done on his hooves. 
  6. Hubby had his ACL done, which means Hubby has been on recliner duty, which means Hubby is going stir crazy right about now.  Need I say more? 
  7. My brother and sister in law moved back to Wisconsin!  Our family is excited about this.  Hubby, Bonus baby #1 and #2 always seem to have a smile on their faces when they get to visit these folks (me too!) so it's nice they're close again. 
  8. I have had to take a break from school (thus the development of this blog).  Unfortunately, my student loan options have ran out--so I'm going to need to get creative.  I'm trying to save money here and there as I can and get my family's budget in good working order so I can get back to that Ph.D as quickly as possible.
  9. Did I mention we're having a baby?! 
  10. I found new work and was instrumental in the merger between a small and large non-profit.  Career-wise, this year has been AWESOME for me.  
What's in store for 2013?  I hope some goodness!  

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