Thursday, January 31, 2013

The waiting game. . . .

Waiting on Little One to get here has been driving me bonkers this week!  Mostly because I decided to take my maternity leave from one job and work from home from the other.  My week has been pretty relaxed, which is probably a good thing since I won't have too many relaxed weeks in the near future.  All that being said, the anticipation of Little One making her debut has been a test of my patience.

The whole family is ready to meet her.  Bonus Baby #1 keeps asking me what I think her personality will be like.  I can see her mentally making notes between my pregnancy and her mothers; particularly some of the choices her Dad and I are making regarding how Little One will be raised (such as cloth diapers (some of the time) and breast feeding).  Her questions are interesting and fun to answer and I can see the delight in her face when she talks about her little sister at Mom's house (even though she reports her little sister cries alot).  Hubby keeps telling Little One to hurry up!  I keep telling Little One to hurry up!  The doctor tells Little One she is NOT allowed to arrive THIS weekend because the Dr. will be out of state and REALLY wants to be the Dr. to deliver Little One.

I am definitely in nesting mode.  I have found myself cleaning and organizing Little One's room around conference calls and work projects.  I have also found that I've taken the time, on the warm days, to get outside and enjoy my horses.  This week I even had the opportunity to get some ground work in with both of them.  I'm also trying to get things worked out with the University so I can return soon and get this Ph.D finished! So--all in all, it's been a productive week while I wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Next week Wednesday should be the big day. . . . if Little One is following her "schedule!" LOL.

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