Friday, December 28, 2012

To Cloth or Not to Cloth. . . that is the question!

Hubby and I decided (well. . . I think in this case, I decided) that we would experiment with cloth diapers at least part of the time.  It will save money in the long run (see the comparison here) and many argue using cloth diapers are better for baby.  Of course, because I am the Ph.D wanna be, I have to ask myself, "SAYS WHO?!"  Who says cloth diapering is better?  Bloggers?  Scientists?  Who?! Well, National Geographic, for one.  Web MD, on the other hand, indicates the research really isn't so clear.  It seems for every reason that seems to support going cloth only, there are is data to contradict.  So, it seems that this decision really comes down to personal preference and money, in our (my) case.

Hubby and I need to find every way possible to save, therefore, we'll be trying cloth in addition to disposable.  We may make the decision to ONLY use disposable when we are out far away from home or will be gone for an extended time.  We may decide to completely go cloth.  What I do know is that we'll be running our very own science experiment in our home.  I am looking forward to seeing the looks on the Bonus Babes' faces when they see diapers that are made of fabric.  It will be a different experience for them!

Speaking of different--the options are endless for cloth diapering now.  It certainly isn't the way my Dad  might remember it. I have found so many resources at my finger tips, thanks to the Internet.  So far, my favorite resources have been:

There are so many websites to choose from on this topic. . .again, the options are really endless.  So far, I am thinking I want to go with an ALL IN ONE (AIO) style of diaper because they seem to be the easiest to use.  I will plan on using a disposable liner like this to help keep diapers relatively clean and there many choices available in this department too.  No doubt, pictures of our diaper experimentation will follow in the future! 

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